How to Dream Big

You can't manifest big things if you don't have the capacity to dream big.

Often children have the most outlandish imaginations and creative faculties. This is because they are able to tap into the richness of the collective conscious unencumbered. The downloads they receive are not yet filtered by social grooming nor the narrow, limited perceptions they ultimately develop after all of the shaping and forming they undergo throughout their youth. Their wild ideas and fanciful notions are drawn directly from nature, before nurture kicks in and forces them to get a grip on "reality".


Our imaginations are heavily influenced by this conditioning and all of the information we've consumed and processed up to this point. This is why we must be mindful of what we intake once we are adults and have more control over our own developmental process. We should be discerning about the ideas, words and images we allow to enter and permeate our psyche because this is the material we ultimately use when manifesting. These are the substances we have at our disposal when creating.


Subpar supplies lead to low-quality outcomes. And a limitation in the tools you have available might mean you can't create at all. An artist can't produce a masterpiece with only a blank canvas. She needs her brushes and watercolors too. An inability to see what you want — to paint a vivid mental picture of it — indicates a mind bogged down by years of limiting thoughts. It is not equipped to dream big because everything it's been fed has been deficient in novelty and restrictive in nature.


You will find that most spiritual belief systems are adamant about the re-conditioning of the mind, or getting it back to that pure, untainted form. The Bible, for instance, gives specific guidelines on how to think positively and abundantly. You don't have to believe in Christian doctrine to see the beauty in this particular scripture. Mindset means everything. A return to childlike faith is the key to heaven’s door.

Whatever is true, whatever is honest, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report; if there is any excellence, if there is any virtue worthy of praise, think on these things.

— Biblical Proverb

In order to dream big, overcome your limiting beliefs then start building up a repository of "true, honest, just, pure, lovely, good and excellent" thoughts to draw from. Fuel your imagination with content that inspires and empowers you to create the impossible.


The Alchemist is one of the best novels about the journey of following one's heart, and this illustrated version is a true keepsake for your bookcase.

Mind in Motion, by psychologist Barbara Tversky, offers a new way to think about thinking, with actions — not words — being central to our consciousness.

Every dreamer faces a creative conundrum at some point in their journey: pursue your passion or give it up for a more rational endeavor?

Speaking of dreams, your brain needs the type that surface when you slumber in order to boost creativity, problem solve, resolve challenges and more. So good sleep is essential.

According to Harvard Business Review, you can train your brain to be more creative and expand its capacity to support you in pursuit of your audacious goals.

Imagination is a powerful tool that's not valued nearly enough as it should be, even though it is relied upon much more than we realize.

Thought experiments are tools used by exceptional thinkers, such as Einstein, to solve difficult problems and achieve improbable goals.

It's important to periodically assess how you think, as a mental paradigm shift may be in order if you want to manifest big dreams.


Engaging in an artistic pursuit, such as this Beginner's Acrylic Course, is a sure way to expand your mind and stretch your creative faculties.

Once you set your vision, it's important to make it tangible by writing it down. A vision journal by Appointed will help you stay more motivated by keeping your dreams in written form.

This crash course on Design Thinking, by Stanford University, will teach you how to approach challenges and opportunities more creatively.

Playing games is a good way to keep your mind stimulated. Aerin’s luxe card set not only serves that purpose but looks beautiful when on display in your space.

Elizabeth Gilbert’s popular TED talk explores the idea that creative genius is not rare but a faculty we all have.

Working on puzzles are perfect for staying mentally sharp and agile. The free New York Times Soduku is offered daily at various levels.

It can be hard to stay optimistic in pursuit of your dreams, and sometimes you will need a boost. The Mood supplement by Neu Co. has nutrients that support mental and emotional well-being.


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